Diamant Bloc Puzzle Jewel Classic
Gta City Driver 3
Draw Road For Water
Dual Control Game
Gumball Penalty Kick
Horse Racing 2d
Black Hole Billiard
Giant Rush: Imposter
Fox Adventurer
Iron Robots Jigsaw
Snacks Conveyor
Brave scouts are going to take part in a long and interesting forest camping! Would you like to know what survival and adventures are? Then join Hippo in scouts camp. Gather friends, make a route on the map and follow it to the far away camping. All the possible adventures are waiting for us, such as a difficult crossing over a mountain river, friends rescuing, kids games at the camp, night camping and others. Learn how to overcome obstacles, make a fire, cook, place a tent and, of course, survive. Direct Hippo friends due to the route on the map, make a camp near the far away outpost and raise the flag of your team!
Use Mouse To Play and Follow introduction
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