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Girl or tomboy】 There are different types of girls. Some are very feminine, others are completely tomboyish, and still others are in between. But what kind of woman are you? Are you a tomboy? Are you a feminine girl? Find your true nature in this game! 【Mental age】 Sometimes your way of thinking "seems" much younger or older than you actually are. This is called mental age. Do you want to know yours? Luckily for you, this game has come up with a simple and fun test that will help you determine if you're a kid at heart, a wise soul, or if you're at the perfect mental stage for your age. Make your choices now! 【Rich or poor】 Find out if you will be rich! They say money can't buy happiness, but most of us wish we had less to worry about when the next bill comes. So, let's find out if you'll have more than enough or barely enough to get by! lots of other personality tests you can try!
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