Parking Space - Game 3d
Zombie Street Trigger
Catch Red Boats
Save Dogs From Bee
Cut The Apple
Roo Bot
Unblocked Shooters
Crazy Jelly Match
Sweet Crush Match 3
Batty Jump
Red Boy And Blue Girl - Forest Temple Maze
Bts Poppy Playtime Coloring
Japanese crosswords (nonogram) are a very fascinating type of graphical crossword puzzles that develop logic, figurative thinking and erudition. Japanese crossword is a puzzle, in which with the help of numbers some image is encrypted. The aim of the puzzle is to completely reconstruct this image. Numbers listed at the left and top of the crossword puzzle describe groups of shaded cells (going in a row, without gaps) horizontally and vertically, respectively. And the order of these numbers describes the order of these groups, but where each group begins and ends - is unknown (in fact, to determine their position and is the task of the puzzle). Each digit represents a separate group of a given size (i.e. digit 5 represents a group of five consecutive colored cells, 1 represents a group of one single colored cell). There must be at least one unpainted cell between groups of the same color.
Mouse click to paint a cell
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