Zuma Boom
Arabian Princess Wedding Dress Up
Baby Hazel Ballerina Dance
Baby Taylor Doll House Decorating
Top Race Fun
Spidey Forces In Motion
Teddy House Escape
Hercules Jigsaw Puzzle Collection
Firetruck Puzzle
Pinball Football
Airport Inspection
Gravity Climb
This is a car memory game with math puzzles. You don’t need to predict anything to find a matching pair of reveled card. In the board some of the cards have an arithmetic expression and others have number written on their back side. Each number is a result of given expression. Before clicking a card just solve the expression and find the other card in the deck which has same number. If both cards have same value then cards will remain opened otherwise you will lose a life out of three. Match all of the cards in the board to complete the level.
Use mouse or touch pad to play this game
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