Talking Tom Angela Nose Doctor
Push The Block Game Online
Spooky Forest Run
Street Racing 2d
Dino Fun Adventure
Busy Little Man Of The Sean
Cinderella Jigsaw Puzzle Collection
Ecstatic Boy Escape
Princess Spring Fashion Show
Bratz Hidden Stars
Toys Box Blasts
Zombies Night 2
What a pity! You woke up and your clothes were gone. You need to buy new clothes urgently to go on a date with your beloved. Plant vegetables in your garden to collect money to buy clothes. In order for vegetables to grow, they need to be watered, and there is water in the well. Be careful vegetables run very fast! To get money you have to catch them. You goal to buy all clothes for you. You can earn money by plant the vegetables. Be careful, because the plant are very fast! For vegetables groving you have to water them. Water you can take in the well or in the river.
Desktop controls W S A D controls of the player movement Other action performed by mouse Mobile controls By touchable buttons and joystick for movement
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