Little Pinocchio Escape
Mani Mouse
Barbie Princess Match 3 Puzzle
Maya And The Three Jigsaw Puzzle
Witch Flight
Peter Rabbit Jigsaw Puzzle
Scary Granny House
Unstable Squares
Ninja Run Up And Down
Wordscapes Search
Rumpus House Escape
Neon Blade Impetus
Use your imagination to match Emoji In the game, you need to understand and imagine to match the correct Emoji. Just use your fingers to gently connect the different columns of Emoji, and you can win the game ust tap one by one on the elements from different columns to connect them with a line. Or drag to draw a line and connect elements from different columns. If you correctly connect all the elements, you pass the level. Harder than you think!
Match the 3 and solve the game
So many more games you can play!
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