Connect The Pipes
Vampire Princess Rebecca First Date
Elastic Cars
Papa Cherry Blast Saga
Zombie Shooters
Huggy In The Tower
Emperor Penguin Jigsaw
The Mitchells Vs The Machines Jigsaw Puzzle
Brain Test - Tricky Puzzle Journey
Fancy Kitty Kate Caring Game
Don't miss out on The Cobblebot Caper game if you have ever dreamed of playing the role of Batman! The superhero protagonist can take on almost any kind of enemy, thanks to his high-tech equipment. However, he'll still need to prove his agility and intelligence if he wants to clear up the streets of Gotham! Can you give him a hand? This adventure consists of four levels in the Gotham Bank, a laboratory, and a steelwork factory. The last stage will give you the chance to explore Penguin's Mansion. Your mission is to face off the evil masterminds of Gotham and their goons. Defeat them all to prove that you are worthy of being a Batman fan!
Use the Left and Right Arrow keys to move around each location You can use the Up Arrow to look up while the Down Arrow will help you crouch Jumping is just as easy as all you need to do is press the Space Bar What is more you can press and hold the
So many more games you can play!
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